First of all, I would like to say that I haven’t done my proper job to search and find the information I am asking here, but this is my point I try to raise also.
Not only fo me, but for anyone who would like to find out and get more in-depth information and documentation regarding how to build dapps or SCORE smart contract on ICON platform, should be a bit easier if we have all these info in one platform or place.
I found it a bit difficult to get to the information I need and I will be glad if you pointing me out in the right direction and places, where I or everyone else would like to find.
I only found by now the ICONation learning platform Craftain very useful (much appreciated), but it is just introductions and not much in details info as what I am looking for.
Do I need to get in touch with the ICON team regarding starting a new dapps or SCORE smart contract and they will provide me with all the details I need it for, or there is existing place already where everyone can find all of this information?