Way to lower inflation

The interest rate due to staking is high. How about lowering the staking interest rate? I thought of one way to reduce the staking interest rate without sacrificing interest rates for iconists.
ICON has more and more ways to obtain various profits. ex) Defi, liquidity provider, relayer.
How about giving staking interest +a while participating in these things?

For example, an iconpool’s liquidity provider is staking and voting. Instead, you get rewarded for staking interest + liquidity providers.

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Yeah I think this is a good idea and we can explore this on ICON 2.0 when we decide inflation allocations. There will likely be a big discussion amongst p-reps to decide how to allocate funds to the various different buckets (Voters, P-Reps, Relayers, CPS)


When participating in the ecosystem, how about making a certain amount of voting divided into three categories: mandatory voting, distributed voting, and optional voting?

For example, if I participated in the iconpool 50,000icx, 50% would be compulsory to vote on the iconpool team, 20% would be automatically distributed to Sub-Prep, and 30% would be my choice.
The reason for this proposal is that even if you are not a candidate for direct ecosystem participation such as Defi, you can make a big contribution to the icon ecosystem.

And the icon fee is very cheap. I think it is good to increase the fee by 2 to 5 times for each field.

It’s just a personal opinion
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