Token Score Factory | Smart Contract Audit Request

Hello ICON Foundation,

We have been working on a Token Score Factory application, a web platform that helps to easily create and deploy IRC-2 or IRC-3 SCORE directly from the browser.


Token Score Factory (TSF) is a web platform that helps to easily create and deploy an IRC-2 or IRC-3 SCORE. The platform doesn’t require any signups, development environment setup, or coding knowledge to create and deploy the smart contracts.

Additionally, it can also be used to deploy production-grade smart contracts in the mainnet.

Other use cases could be for learning and experimenting with the creation and deployment of contracts at a minimal cost.


TSF features:

  • Create IRC 2/ IRC 3 Tokens
    • Provide basic token information for tokens like - Name, Symbol, Decimals, Initial Supply, Total Supply.
    • Choose Token type from a list based on the functionality/methods used.

  • Deploy IRC 2/ IRC3 Tokens
    • Choose the preferred network for the contract deployment.
    • View estimated transaction fee.

Audit Information

TokenScoreFactory has a total of 13 contracts, all of which involved token transfers. We’re willing to conduct an audit of all these contracts with SlowMist.

All the source code of the contracts are in this repository:

SlowMist is willing to conduct the audit of our SCORES and sent us a quote.

Required information


What an awesome initiative! Great stuff team.

This is approved. Thank you for your application

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