Report Name:
Project WalletX (cryptocurrency wallet like mobile banking.)
Reporting Period:
2020.10.29 - 2020.11.30
Report Description:
In this phase it was mainly the proceeds to build mobile development and operating environment task.
Tasks completed
- Automated deployment based on container has been implemented.
- PRep related functions have been improved.
- INS SCORE is being developed.
Project Completion Percentage:
100%, completed all tasks planned for this period (Phase 4).
Remaining Time to Completion:
Next, we will perform Phase 5 tasks.
- An event page is created to promote INS.
- UI/UX check to improve usability.
- Features related to INS have been developed.
- Test the INS SCORE
- Develop SCORE for INS Event.
Expected Results for the Next Period:
After the end of Phase 5, most features are implemented.
Materials Proving Progress on the Project:
We have completed the fourth phase of the Grant Program
The output of the tasks is attached together with the visualization data, and the work scope of the following deliverables is largely composed of three elements including UI design, App security module development, and backend/server configuration.
- UI/UX Design
All parts of design have been completed
- Development: Mobile app
The PRep feature has been completed.
Address management has been completed.
QR code feature has been completed.
We are constantly testing and improving usability.
- Development: Backend
INS Score is being developed.
The completed walletx application was deployed on the server.
The test server has been installed.