[Periodic Report] ‘Spread Your Votes!’ campaign Periodic Report #1

Report Name:
‘Spread Your Votes!’ campaign Periodic Report #1

Reporting Period:
November 15th ~ December 15th 2020

Report Description:

This is a summary of what we have done over the first reporting period.

Since the promotion started (~1 week), we observed an increase in the number of wallets (+42) and the amount of ICX being spread (~ +1.2M).

Project Completion Percentage:

As this is a promotional give-away to those ICONists who help spreading their votes, the prizes will be given out after we receive the grant (in a few days). We planned the timing of the report so that there will be no disruption for the next 6 terms (biweekly terms). As we are giving away the prizes biweekly, ⅙ of the project will be completed by the 22nd of December 2020.

Remaining Time to Completion:

2 months (5 terms)

Expected Results for the Next Period:

Continuation of reporting and promoting. 3 terms (50%) of the project will be completed by 19th January 2020. Further code improvement will be made if required.

Review Result Comments

Review Result


Review Comments

Thank you for your effort.

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Thank you for approving, and for your time. Have a good day!