[Periodic Report] Bounty Cat - Incentivized Promotions & Marketing Report #3

Report Name:
Bounty Cat - Incentivized Promotions & Marketing

Reporting Period:
2020.01.13 - 2021.02.13

Report Description:
This is the Bounty Cat periodic progress report for the January/February development schedule covering project objectives for phase 1 of the Bounty Cat development project.

This reporting cycle has been full steam ahead with the interactive demo components and other infrastructure enhancements and upgrades. This primarily covers the ability for promoters to create and manage core features of bounty promotions including reward configuration, validators, details, scheduling and media management. The basic layout of the front end marketplace has been added, and additional user and account management features have been fleshed out. We are on task to complete most interactive demo components for both the front and back end by the end of February.

Tasks completed
Most (90%) of January’s development objectives have been completed the remaining objectives have some dependencies on February’s completed objectives.
February’s objectives are roughly 60% complete.

Completed items include:

  • Bounty & reward management core requirements including reward configuration, scheduling, information & details, tags(keywords), media management and basic “validator” configurations.
  • Basic layout and navigational structures for the Marketplace
  • Front end API basics have been built to service the marketplace requirements (such as browsing bounties and rewards, as well as fetching promoters and information)
    *Back end error tracking and logging
    *Email system integration and refinement
    *Back end social integrations with twitter & Facebook

Project Completion Percentage:

Remaining Time to Completion:
3.5 Months

Expected Results for the Next Period:
*Finalization of marketplace functionality including browsing & searching bounty promotions and social media integrations for sharing
*Finalization of promoter dashboard using real metrics and data
*Finalization of promoter profile pages & management
*Finalization of user management tools including crypto and physical address management
*Basic testable bridge integration
*Test version of BOUNTY token SCORE

Materials Proving Progress on the Project:

The completed features can be seen and used at https://bountycat.com (Many features require account registration via email, currently).