Network Proposal to remove the not active nodes from been able to stake&vote for them

Network Proposal to remove the not active nodes from been able to stake&vote for them

I would like to rise the increasing issues with dead prep nodes and to propose changes which can stop and remove the options to stake&vote for those dead prep nodes.

As you may know ICON Network has 150 registered Prep nodes on which only 54 nodes are active and running!!!

It doesn’t look good for any network to have such a huge percentage of dead nodes!!!

Not only that, but a huge number of votes are wasted for those dead nodes and it is keeps available option to stake&vote for this dead nodes which in my opinion is a “joke”!!!

I don’t want to be rude or causing any bad impressions for the people, but this is already done by ICON team to allow staking&voting for dead Preps to be possible!!!

I don’t really understand the point to encourage the new or existing users holding ICX to stake&vote for dead Preps in their network!!??!

So, hold up our frustration we DSNC team as part of ICON Preps would like to propose those dead prep nodes to be removed from the list available to stake&vote plus also remove all votes for those dead prep nodes. This will force voters to re-set their votes to only active nodes!

So, how to be done this?

For now, as far as I am aware when new node has been registered as prep is goes to the list of all preps that can be able to stake&vote for. So, we just need to amend this list to contain only active nodes running on ICON Network. (nodes that are active and also set their bonding systems as required)

Monitoring and checking if the nodes are active can be done with simple additional checking program which has been used already for monitoring tools created –

I understand that work force allocation is always prioritised by ICON team for the most important issues and purposes, and therefore I suggest the work force to be allocated and to be paid for from the CPS program already created for that.

Also, if any other preps team would like to add working force to this task than if will be helpful for all.

I hope ICON team will take action and consider this issue as important changes that have to be made asap!

Please read and put you’re your thoughts and opinions on our proposal below. Thanks


I agree with the issue, but removing votes for voters shouldn’t be possible?
It’s a transaction that has to be signed by the voter?

What happends to votes that is deligated to a p-rep which has been disqualified? (Banned by network proposal)

Also, what if the nodes spin up and become active?
How would you check if a node is active or not in a decentralized way?
Checking if a node is active or not using Mon is a centralized way of doing it. But that is not how a Blockchain should run.

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I agree with the measures suggested in this proposal. This are a small step to help fix the bigger problem which is centralization and the network security.

As mentioned before ICON network was designed for 100 P-Reps. At the moment network is down to 53 nodes only. Main reason for this is voter apathy and economic discrepancy between the nodes. With the latest network upgrade and hardware requirements I would roughly say that all sub P-Rep out of top 40 are either breaking even or operating at the loss.

If things stay unsustainable as they are I can see more P-Reps shutting down nodes (me included) and stop supporting the network.

Based on the conversation and on original proposal by @DSNC I vote yes for the following changes to be implemented in this proposal

  • to block I-Score generation for the nodes that have 0 bond and their nominators. (majority of offline nodes)

  • remove the nodes with 0 bond from the nomination list and prevent new nominations going to them

  • limit I-Score generation for the nominators that exceed the amount of the P-rep bond amount and the voting power.


If P-Rep nodes are no longer active (for example more than a week), then it will be removed from the active P-Rep list which you can stake&vote for! This automatically will remove the existing votes by unstaking the ICXs, so the owner of the ICXs has to re-stake and vote again for active P-Reps from the list.
“How would you check if a node is active or not in a decentralized way?” - this is what Governance is for! We cannot limit ourselves and only do things that can be done under the code! We should have flexible ways to help the Governance do their jobs more accurately. This is why the open-source program can be created approved by the top 22 P-Reps and act as a monitoring tool to check all active or dead nodes and maintain this active P-Reps node list.
Decentralization means not only one entity but many(in this case 22-25 Main P-Reps) to Governance the process of monitoring and securing the network and act and implements tools to support this process.


Good and I agree to remove/de-activate votes from non-active nodes. but on top of that, I also think P-Reps rewards shoulöd not differ much (ideally should be same for same job).


The official network proposal from 20 months ago. This has aged very well :+1: