Make ICON Daily Global

Hi everybody,

Our P-Rep team has been running ICON Daily with great consistency over the past months.

We believe there is an opportunity to relay information about the ICON ecosystem in local languages as well. :earth_africa:

We are looking for passionate community members and P-Reps who would like to help ICON shine with their local audience. Who would like to join us? :handshake:


Hi @Edouard_Stakin I find this idea very interesting

As a team based on promoting ICON to Spanish speaking communities this is something that aligns perfectly with our goals.

Can you share more details in how this will be implemented and organized?


Awesome, we are indeed looking for community members with a focus on local communities like you.

We’re still gathering feedback from other P-Reps, but basically @Ian_Stakin will be tweeting daily news on ICON Daily, each tweet will tag the other ICON Daily community members so that you can receive a notification.

Then we’re hoping for our community members to republish the translated content in the next 12 hours.


great thanks!.

Since the tweets get divided for the character limits, a small telegram group can be used so that @Ian_Stakin can pass the daily tweet and it will be easier to keep the same formatting and speed up the translation.

I like the idea!, give me a heads up when you want to start implementing it!.


Would you like to join our group so that we can discuss implementation details together? Telegram: Contact @Daily_ICX

For the ones interested, we’re looking for other motivated community members to translate in as many languages as possible. Goal is to get everybody up-to-date about what is happening in the ICON ecosystem! :raised_hands:

giphy (3)


3 volunteers have already joined the movement:

:es: @espanicon
:philippines: @Ian_Stakin
:fr: @Marcov, FR_ICON

We’re looking for more future family members to spread the news about ICON !


We are in progress of joining for Turkish transalation but it’s at the end of the list. We will provide it from another handle like fr icon



Emil from Denmark here. If you need a danish translator I am up for it!
32 years of age. School teacher.

All the best!


The family is getting massive :heart: