LICX governance and Audit Periodic report

  • Project Name : LICX governance & Smart contract audit
  • Project Completion Percentage : 70%
  • Remaining Time to Completion : 2 weeks development. Audit is estimated to be done after the development
  • Expected Results for the Next Period : fully updated and tested smart contract as well as working web application

There were some delays since we weren’t able to work together with blockmove and all the work fell upon us.

Finished user stories:

  • US1 - As a user as I deposit my ICX to the smart contract and still be able to vote for any P-rep I desire.
  • US 2 - As a user I want to change my vote whenever I want.
  • US 3 - As a user I want my newly generated rewards to be delegated to my previously voted P-reps while the ratio of the votes stays the same
  • US5 - As a user I want to see great documentation about the smart contract and how the project works in general so I can verify its integrity and easily implement it into any existing protocols (Partially)

Users stories left to be finished:

  • US4 - As a user I want to easily interact with the governance part through a web application based UI.
  • US5 - As a user I want to see great documentation about the smart contract and how the project works in general so I can verify its integrity and easily implement it into any existing protocols (Partially)

We suggest the payment to be postponed to when the web application is finished and connected to the smart contract.
We will provide another periodic report in 2 weeks or earlier if the development of the project is finished prior to that

Review Result Comments

Review Result


Review Comments

Thank you for your effort. I’ll waiting for the next report.