I am try to send image on blockchain but cannot figure how to convert to hex and make it show on tracker. Can anyone help?
I don’t think the tracker displays images, but others may have more information
Some man post this on twitter
Interesting, @ICON_ADMIN @2infiniti if you know how to get images to display on tracker please let us know
You just need to convert the image to base64 and attach that in the optional data field (in UTF-8, not HEX)
Example: ICON Tracker
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Cool thread! I tried to convert an image of spongebob to base64 and send but it’s only showing up as the base64 string?
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You need to specify the data URI scheme with data:image/jpeg;base64,
followed by your encoded image data.
You should get this as a result: ICON Tracker
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I see, thank you for youre reply