ICXSHARKbot 2.0 (SPARTANbot) - A real time ICX information bot on Twitter


@ICXshark on twitter

Project Category:

Community Activities
Ambassador activities, public relations, meetups, educational content and activities, and web community development and management

Specifically - Twitter outreach and information.

You all know @ICXshark on twitter. That informative twitter friend that has been serving the ICX community for years and has over 1,500 informative tweets broadcasted and cemented
forever on the ICX blockchain at ICON Tracker. We are looking to take ICXshark (SPARTANbot) into the next realm. The recent CMC API bug cause a lot of information to show up None or Null, leaving information such as CMC rank, 30, 7, 1 day information, etc., lacking.
SPARTANbot 2.0 will offer many new features such as real-time direct message information. For example, @ing SPARTANbot on twitter “40000 staking” or “40000 stake” would send back a tweet showing the yield that one would make for staking 40,000 ICX for a week, month and year. @ing “7 day volume” would yield a reply of the 7 day volume of ICX, etc. All current SPARTANbot info and new features will be available, in real time, to all ICONists on twitter. A full tutorial with information will be posted on the Spartan Node medium. This would bring more eyes and interest to ICX and also give current holders and stakers vital information without having to fumble around to different sites looking for what they want.

Project Description:
This project would entail totally rewriting SPARTANbot and adding a new paid API input engine that offers real-time and more advanced information than current free APIs. Current free APIs only allow a total of 100-300 calls per day or 3 per minute where as paid versions allow over upwards or 4,000 calls per day or 10 per second. This would greatly increase the scope and depth of SPARTANbot and allow a more comprehensive user experience for all ICONists.

Project Duration (Maximum of 6 months):
2 months

Project Milestones:
Development Phase - 6 weeks
Testing Phase - 2 week
Implementation - Ongoing upkeep and maintenance covered by Spartan Node

Funding Amount Requested:
$3,350 USD total in ICX
$450 - 6 months paid API at $75 per month
$2,400 - 60 hours @ $40 per hour spread over 3 developers
$500 - 20 hours @ $25 per hour one twitter specialist and API integration tester
All other fees will be covered by Spartan Node team


Hey guys, its my first post here. I posted a Tweet earlier to get everyone’s mind off about the whole marketing thing. It was basically old news about Amazon partnership. I came across it randomly the other day and thought it was a good time to share. Partner Success with AWS

I got a lot of retweets and comments. It was also shared amongst other Twitter accounts individually and it looks like I got someone to buy more ICX because of the Tweet.

I was thinking… maybe we can use the ICX shark bot to remind people about what ICON has achieved. I think people new and old can use reminders of all ICON’s success and achievements.

I’m going to make stuff up here pretending I’m the ICON Shark Twitter bot:

(1st example) - Did you know South Korea’s Jeju Island Selected ICONLOOP Blockchain Technology for Secure COVID-19 Contact Tracing? (website link here)

(2nd example) - Have you tried the new Price is Right game Planko at ICONBET? It’s addicting! (website link here)

3rd example - The new ICONFI app has just been released! Are you staking your ICX for 12% rewards? (website link here)

Every Tweet comes with a link to give people things to do and read.

I also think we should rename the ICX Spartan bot to something more serious. I love the Spartan name but its time to become serious. Something like ICX News bot or whatever you can come up with that’s better.

I think this will help with marketing on Twitter and wouldn’t cost much for ICON.



When you get the chance, please read above post.


1 Like

Hey Jennie, I love the idea! Definitely will be a part of Sharkbot 2.0.

I think this bot will be great. Just now followed @ICXshark (current SPARTANbot). Where can we find a complete description and features of this bot? Should not there be also a similar bot for telegram and Facebook (if doe not exist already)?

Cheers man. Right now there is only the information drop once per hour from the bot. Spartanbot 2.0 will bring huge improvement including real-time interactivity. As far as facebook and telegram, this would be interesting and a very good idea, however for this update we will focus on twitter only.