ICX Comics: Report #1

ICX Comics: Report #1

Report Name

ICX Comics: Report #1

Reporting Period

25.02.2020 - 26.03.2020

Report Description

We happy to announce that our Milestone #1 is done successfully!
As we promise 1 month ago we create 2 new comics, have a look:
Comic #2 - x.com
Comic #3 - x.com

We have made and published our site with all the latest news and comics. The site is fully up-to-date with clear UI and UX. Our website is fully adaptive for Laptop, Tablet, Mobile devices.

Our web site - https://icxcomics.com/

In addition, we constantly support our social networks:



In addition to comics, we have constantly created various posts to keep attention on the ICON ecosystem, for example:

Daily stats:

Socials posts:


Thanks to Fidel, from Espanicon.team our comics have been translated into Spanish

We are currently working to get approve from Twitter for our advertising campaigns.

Project Completion Percentage


Remaining Time to Completion

10 weeks

Expected Results for the Next Period

We will develop several comics explaining issues like:

Comic#3 - Inside ICON. Consensus, SCORE, BSI

Comic#4 - All that you were afraid to ask about ICON

Comic#5 - Build Dapps on ICON Blockchain

Materials Proving Progress on the Project

Our website - https://icxcomics.com
Comic #1 - x.com
Comic #2 - x.com
Comic #3 - x.com

Review of each KPI (Key Performance Indicator) or specific goal/milestone

  • Most of the KPI can be seen above
  • Look at statistics on our main social network - Twitter

Thank you for reading and supporting us!


Just commenting to say that this is an amazing project and we are very happy to be able to help in the translation :+1:

1 Like

Great! Our pleasure to support this and keep up the great work!


thank you for such warm words :innocent:


And we are happy to collaborate with such amazing team!