ICONPool P-Rep Proposal

Hello ICON P-Rep & members,

We would like to be a part of ICON governance and development and hence here is our proposal as a newly joined P-Rep

Introduction to ICONPool and Blockdevs
Blockdevs is a group of seasoned crypto developers and enthusiasts. We formed Blockdevs out of our passion to build crypto dapps and other applications. We were a group of Ethereum/ Tron developers who got together out of passion and necessity and started building dapps for fun and profit. We have a combined development experience of about 12+ years in crypto/blockchain dev.
We started developing on ICON back in March/April 2020 and have been supporting other P-Rep Teams ever since.
We as the ICONPool P-Rep team are looking to be one of the development-focused P-Rep teams and want to contribute to the development of the DEFI ecosystem on ICON.

1. Proposal introduction (What) -

About the project โ€” ICONPOOL
To kick-start our contribution to the DEFI ecosystem on ICON, we have started the development of ICONPool, an Automated Market Maker Liquidity Provider Decentralized protocol. It is an Uniswap equivalent Market Maker dapp which could be one of the essential tools for the development of the Token economy on ICON. We are very close to the main net launch and are in the process of onboarding initial liquidity providers for the protocol.

About our Plans as a P-Rep
To actively participate in the governance and make it more user friendly and welcoming for developers to join and start defi development on the ICON ecosystem.

2. The motivation of the proposal (Why)
DEFI has been one of the biggest applications for public blockchains. and hence strong liquidity is an essential protocol for developing a thriving DEFI ecosystem on ICON Blockchain. Hence ICONPool Dapp is our first and foremost focus.

We believe that participating as ICON P-Rep can represent our commitment to the network, and would enable us to collaborate with other prominent teams on ICON in a more effective manner as well.

3. Execution plan of the proposal (How)
What we have accomplished so far?
Members from our team have been contributed significantly to some of the biggest dapps on ICON. We have built the ICONPool Dapp and implemented the market maker algorithm. We are very close to launch and would achieve a fully functional ICX-TAP Pool within a week of posting this proposal.
What would be our immediate plan of action
Since DEFI acts as legos, we are still figuring out how to make the protocol work well with other dapps, eg- LICX, TAP, and ICD, each with its own capability and features. We would spend the next few months improving the ICONPool protocol and also planning effective collaborations with other ICON DEFI protocols.

4. Expected timeline of the project (When)

  • 2020 Nov โ€” Official main net launch of ICONPool v1
  • 2020 Q4โ€“2021 Q1 โ€” Further development of Liquidity Pools and Analytics for ICONPool, Collaborations with other teams to further development of ICON DEFI ecosystem
  • 2021 Q2-Q4 โ€” ongoing development of DEFI Ecosystem and more DEFI tools and dapps.
  • Beyond โ€” maintaining and further improving the dapps developed by us.

P-Rep Node Specification
Server โ€” AWS C5.4xlarge
CPU Model Intelยฎ Xeonยฎ Platinum 8124 CPU @ 3.00GHZ
vCPU (core) 16
Disk 500G NVMe SSD (EBS bandwidth 4.5 Gbps)
Network 10 Gbps

Website โ€” ICONPOOL.io
About us โ€” Blockdevs.co
Telegram โ€” Iconpool
Twitter โ€” ICONPOOLIO
Medium โ€” ICONPool


Nice to see you guys as a prep.

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