ICON Republic Periodic Report #2

Report Name: ICON Republic Periodic Report #2

Reporting Period: September 24~ October 19th 2020

Report Description: We have discussed the project in depth with the ICON Foundation and decided to incorporate additional elements to the structure of the ICON Republic.

Progress in Reporting Period:

You can read about our detailed plans here which includes the updated structure of the website and what it aims to do: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TYgH-szW0nMvoOTolw2q2uPkWcA-JhupH5_wFuXuIsc/edit

Project Completion Percentage:

We believe we are 50% done as we have completed the general structure of the website, but we need some more time to work out the design drafts with our design team. We hoped to have design drafts by this reporting period, but it was delayed due to our underestimation of the budget for the design website. Over the next few weeks, we aim to complete the website design and development.

Remaining Time to Completion:

1 month

Expected Results for the Next Period:

The completed website published.

Review Result Comments

Review Result


Review Comments

Thank you for your effort.