Hello all,
I have reached out to the Open Source Social Network about setting up a social network for Iconists and others as well that will incorporate the ICONex wallet for each user so each like, thumbs up, share, reaction generates a transaction on the Icon network. In short, each user would be rewarded in ICX for good content and users that are active would earn ICX for posting good content.
I think it would be simple to incorporate the wallet into the GUI given they built it and it’s Open Source. I think users would like getting tipped in ICX and each post reaction could have a micro transaction that goes to the content creators wallet.
Big media sites take from us, I hope other P-Reps are interested enough to give me some feedback and/or be on the team that tries to get it implemented. Basically we could monetize good content with ICX within the platform they implement for us and allow users to gain revenue for things that big social sites steal from us. It’s just an idea I had on the bean bag, but I did send them an email requesting a quote and honestly it would be really fun to see happen.
Give then a look over, and if you have any questions or ideas hit me up. I don’t really want to run this but it’s a fun idea so a consortium of P-Reps would be ideal.
Y’all take it easy,