ICON Pinas Community Building Growth Accelerator 2 (Report #1; November 2020)

ICON Pinas Community Building Growth Accelerator 2 (Report #1; November 2020)

Reporting Period

October 16, 2020 to November 22, 2020

Report Description

ICON Pinas first applied for a Grant Application on September 28, 2020.

Immediately worth highlighting is that our P-Rep team underwent a name change on October 25, re-branding from Icon Pilipinas to ICON Pinas.

Full details explaining our thought process and logic behind this move are explained in the following Medium article:

With that said, here are the KPIs for this reporting period:

KPI #1: Number of members in Telegram group

Members: 4,155 (September 28)
Members: 5,533 (October 31)
Members: 6,096 (Current)

KPI #1 Target: 7,000 (after 3 months)

We are actively recruiting more ICONists, utilizing techniques such as: AMA events, referral bonuses, giveaways, etc. to come and join the ICON Pinas Telegram chat. Growth on this particular social media platform is important for our long-term growth as our team heavily relies on both Tipicon bot and TipTap bot for community engagement.

TipTap bot stats can be found here:


KPI #2: Number of YouTube subscribers

We are actively working on growing our YouTube channel:


Members: 1,272 (September 28)
Members: 1,576 (October 31)
Members: 1,736 (Current)

KPI #2 Target: 2,500 (after 3 months)

ICON Pinas YouTube

KPI #3: Number of ICON-focused promotional events (AMAs, live interviews, featured stories, raffles, ICON promotional events hosted on our social media channels, etc)

Events: 7 (from October 16 to November 22)

KPI #3 Target: 4-5/month (each month for duration of grant)

Event #1: Binance Filipino AMA

Our team most recently completed an ICON AMA event on Binance Filipino Telegram chat, on November 20.

This was our second AMA event promoting ICON on Binance Filipino (~6 months after our first visit). Total prize pool was $600 in ICX.

Event #2: D’va Community AMA

Our team also took part in an AMA event with D’va Community (based in Indonesia), on October 17.

The objective is to keep promoting ICON to more and more audiences (particularly new ones, in addition to just the Philippines), and since our community has lots of friends scattered across the globe (including many in SE Asia), we thought this event was worth pursuing.

Event #3: CRYPTO HORRORS! Halloween Event

As part of our community building efforts, our team hosted a simple “storytelling” event on our Telegram chat, leading up to Halloween. Recently, there have been lots of newbies to crypto joining our chat, and we thought this event represented a fun way for our more experienced community members (veterans) to share insights/experiences/learnings with everyone, incentivizing their efforts with ICX rewards. Total prize pool was 200 ICX.

Event #4: We Are ICON Pinas Event

As mentioned in the beginning of this report, our team underwent a name change to ICON Pinas in late October. To help promote the re-branding, an event was held on our Telegram chat, which ran from October 26 to October 30.

Also, the following promo video was published on November 4, highlighting the strong support we received from community members, who were very receptive to the new team name:

Each community member who participated in this event was awarded 20 ICX/each.

Event #5: DAOcolors Testnet: Feedback!

To gear up for the release of DAOcolors, our team collaborated with GPS Gaming and ICONbet to gather feedback from community members, with the intentions of improving/enhancing the game prior to mainnet release.

On October 18, the following Medium article was published (collating all the feedback received by the ICON Pinas community):

In addition, a DAOcolors Testnet: Mag React! promo video was published, also on October 18.

Event #6: ICONG KABOG!

Our team is continuing to host ICON KABOG! on our Telegram night, which has been slotted 2x/week (Friday and Saturday nights) for several months now.

Activity and engagement from community members continues to be strong on the ICON Pinas Telegram chat, which can be observed via combot data:

As shown below, the ICON Pinas Telegram chat recently averaged 6,931 messages/day (from October 16 to November 22).

With an active chat and user base, it goes without saying that the task of marketing ICON-related: news events, DApp releases, polls, interviews, merch, etc. gets a whole lot easier. Of course, our team always wants to keep working hard to maintain/achieve strong results…

Event #7: ICX News Ngayon Quiz Time

To boost engagement on our Facebook page, the ICON Pinas team has been promoting ICX News Ngayon Quiz Time, 1x per week (usually released on Saturday or Sunday coinciding with the latest episode of ICX News Ngayon), over the last few months.

For a given Quiz Time event, we are currently seeing ~25-30 entries. Moving forward from here, our team will look for new ways to introduce fresh mechanics in order to not only maintain, but grow our engagement for this event so that we can help promote ICON awareness to an even larger audience.

KPI #4: Successful launch of merchandise store

Current: Planning/execution stages

KPI #4 Target: Setting up logistics, website design/testing (after 2 months)
KPI #4 Target: Site launch featuring community-made designs (after 3 months)

Our team is currently in the process of shipping out ICON Pinas t-shirts to both admins and community members. Over the past month, we have managed to successfully identify and fine-tune the exact type of materials/printing that we want…

Here is a recent batch of t-shirts we printed…

In addition to ICON Pinas merch, we’ve also printed and shipped out some DAOcolors t-shirts to our community members, as we prepare for promo events/festivities surrounding the release of this upcoming new game from the ICONbet team.

In terms of website development, our domain has been registered and we have set up a staging site for development work. This work is ongoing and the team is busy finalizing the initial design layout, which we’ll be happy to share with ICONists in our next report.

ICX News Ngayon Videos

Our team has published 8 new episodes of ICX News Ngayon since we first applied for the grant application, back on September 28.

For example, here is the thumbnail fo ICX News Ngayon Episode 22, our latest release.

We do our very best to stay up to date and consistent with ICX News Ngayon, sharing the latest headlines and stories from the ICON ecosystem.

Project Completion Percentage
Completed all planned events for this reporting period.

Remaining Time to Completion
2 more months of the current grant.

Expected Results for the Next Period
Continued growth of our social media accounts, particularly on Telegram and YouTube. Further progress on our website and shipping more and more ICON Pinas merch to our community members.

Materials Proving Progress on the Project

ICON Pinas Telegram chat: https://t.me/icon_pinas
ICON Pinas OFFICIAL Announcements on Telegram: https://t.me/iconpinas
ICON Pinas Combot stats: https://combot.org/c/1370909449/a
iBriz Tip-Tap Bot Dashboard: https://icontiptap.ibriz.ai/

ICON Pinas Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICONPinas/
ICON Pinas YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkwvlG2636SqqtjOYAxOhQ
ICON Pinas Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICONPinas
ICON Pinas Medium: https://iconpinas.medium.com/

ICON Pinas: October 2020 Transparency Report

Review of each KPI (Key Performance Indicator) or specific goal/milestone
All KPIs were highlighted earlier in the report, and have been satisfied.

Review Result Comments

Review Result


Review Comments

Thank you for your effort.