We are seeking funding to build icon-cli, a command line interface (similar to terracli on Terra) for interacting with the ICON network. With icon-cli, users will be able to send transaction, stake and delegate, query blockchain metrics, interact with dApps, and more from a single command line interface.
While consumer-centric UI/UX is a necessity for adoption of platforms like Balanced, ICONbet, and others, we believe there is great value in having a powerful Swiss Army knife-like CLI tool. Such a tool is useful for automation, and other high-security use cases where installing Chrome and setting up an ICONex connection may not be a good option. Interacting with a command line tool is also typically faster than interacting with a GUI tool. For example, if you needed to reduce your loan position on Balanced quickly, doing so via a CLI can be more efficient than clicking the UI.
I’ve been sharing some recent work in this Twitter thread. So check it out to get more context as to what this command line tool does.
Planned Features
Below are the currently planned features for icon-cli.
- ICX and token transfers (single and multi-threaded bulk transfers).
- Staking and delegation – auto-delegating after claiming I-Score, CSV/Google Sheets support for tracking I-Score claim value, and more.
- Query blockchain for key metrics.
- CPS support for voting, sponsoring, etc.
- Support for Balanced – view and execute changes to positions from the command line.
Development Details
Phase 1 (1 month)
- Token transfers, staking, and delegation.
- Querying for blockchain metrics.
Phase 2 (2 months)
- Balanced features – monitoring, swaps, liquidations, etc.
Phase 3 (1 month)
- CPS features – viewing proposal details, voting on proposals, etc.
Funding Amount Requested
10,000 ICX – 4 months of command line development and documentation work.