Category- community activities
Africa remains a potent force and an untapped market in the crypto space, this initiative seeks to achieve.
Develop and build a very vibrant icon community in Africa, seek out partnerships in the continent and onboard Devs from the continent into Icon. We will be using the power of social media engagements like twitter, organizing and attending events and meetups to present the icon project,article writing, reaching out to crypto communities through “ask me anything sessions” on different exchanges like Binance Nigeria, Huobi Nigeria and other groups we will also leverage the power of graphics that speak.
Set up and grow the IcxArmy twitter handle,the aim is to gather people from different areas and geographies whose sole job is to tweet and retweet information that will help the project,it is intended to get social media sentiments about icon very high and also kill fuds if any should come up.even the ceo of Binace adviced projects to set aside some funds for the sole purpose of fighting FUD, his advice can be found here .
the power of social media cannot be over emphasized.we will be running regular giveaways on the handle to build a very large Army for marketing purposes. as at the time of submitting this proposal the icxArmy twitter handle is already being set up.
We have already started a series of activities in the past few months all geared towards establishing a formidable presence in Africa, the community has continued to grow organically some of the things we have already done include.
we organized two offline events in the month of may and June
We also wrote an article on how icon can be used to solve trade problems in Africa which all received positive engagements from the community .
people usually absorb and act on information bit by bit, because of this we started a twitter campaign, the objectives is to leverage the use of graphics to represent facts about the icon project, this received a very positive engagements from the community, the links include
Project Duration: 1 month
Amount requested: $ 2,500.
Public Address: hxa3fc11ffa20742d7d23bc54f7302acf0d43d6b1e
funds coverage.
The requested funds will cover
A. 3 meetup events
B. 3 contents in the form of articles to be published on iconafrica medium channel and publish0x
C. Ask me anything session on Binance Nigeria Telegram group ( giveaways)
D. continuation of Did you know series facts about icon, 10 more graphics that speak
contact :
Twitter: @IconAfrica2
Team name IconAfrica
We have the vision and passion, please give us the mission