1. Title: Overcome the language barrier, Boost presence in Korea!
- Backgrounds: More and more P-Reps and community members are engaging in decentralization of ICON Nation but most content and materials are made in English, not spreading out to the Korean community. Active engagement is happening in the global community while many Korean community members are staying at the Kakao open chat room and talking about ICX prices. In fact, ICON communities in Korea have had difficulty gathering information of P-Rep activities, ICON-related events and news updates, and Getrevue newsletter from ICON foundation mainly due to the language barrier. As a result, Korean users have tended to focus on investment prediction rather than engaging into the decentralized ecosystem of ICON, having only a handful of P-Reps in Korea and weak developer communities.
2. Project Category - marketing and language support
- Main community activities will be Public Relations, Meetups, and language support on ICON’s Korean communities so that Korean ICONists and non-ICONists can have a better understanding on ICON Project and P-Reps.
3. Project Description
a. Domestic Marketing
- weBloc Asia team will translate various content and materials generated by P-Reps and ICON’s global community and share them via CryptoBell newsletters having 5,000+ subscribers including blockchain experts and industry leaders as the newsletter started at the end of 2017.
- weBloc Asia will make a designated section for ICON on the newsletter - the section would be at the top area. (Check out the Newsletter example)
- If there’s important announcements or updates, weBloc Asia will design and make the top banner to share the news.
- Cryptobell newsletter will be sent out to 5000+ subscribers on every week day - 20 newsletters a month.
- weBloc Asia will share the article links to 2000+ users in the Kakao/Telegram chat rooms operated by weBloc Asia & AD4TH Insight.
- Creating 10+ articles about P-Reps and ICON community activities in Korean - sharing the articles via the channels stipulated above.
- weBloc Asia will create a Telegram Announcement channel to share the links and pushing out the articles so that ICONkr_SimSulKim can utilize them if necessary, generating cooperation within the community.
b. Online Meetup
- According to the widespread of COVID-19, Offline meetups are not available. weBloc Asia will host Online meetups with other P-Reps in various concepts every month (6 meetups in total).
- KOR-ENG Interpretation service will be provided.
- P-Reps can have chances to introduce themselves and promote their activities and contributions to the ICON ecosystem to Korean ICONists. Planning on gathering 2-3 P-Reps at a time.
- weBloc Asia members have many experiences in hosting meetups in Korea (e.g. New Kids on the Blockchain Demo Day events, ICON x Steem dApp Seoul Meetup Event, and so on).
- Meetup announcements will be also posted on the top of the list at PAYWOK, weBloc Asia’s reward advertising dApp service, generating transactions on the ICON network at the same time.
- weBloc Asia is planning to promote ICX Staking and Voting with Meetup events - for example, weBloc Asia will airdrop WOK tokens to the participants who prove the fact that they staked and voted by providing smart contract address.
c. Translation Service
- weBloc Asia suggests to translate the Getrevue newsletter everyweek into Korean so that the newsletters can be sent out in Both English and Korean. (If it’s necessary, Cryptobell can send out the Korean version!)
- When there’s important updates and announcements - such as IISS 3.0 - weBloc Asia will translate them into Korean in advance so that ICON Foundation can send out them in both English and Korean.
- Translation support would be helpful for potential ICONists and dApp developers to have a better understanding on ICON ecosystem.
4. Project Duration
- 6 months
5. Project Milestones
- Newsletter - 5 newsletters every week, user feedbacks will be reported.
- Online meetups - 1 online meetup every month, total 6 online meetups with various P-Reps (Interpretation service included)
- Translation - Getrevue newsletter translation every week / Total 6 documents under 10 pages.
- All content generated by any action stipulated in this proposal will be shared with weBloc Asia communities and ICON Foundation
6. Funding Amount Requested
- $48,000 worth ICX - $8,000 worth ICX every month
7. Official Team Name
- weBloc Asia
8. Team Contact Information (e.g. email, telegram id, social media)
- support@webloc.io / Twitter: @webloc_io
- steve@webloc.io / Telegram: @chobama
9. Public Address (To receive the grant)
- hxf75bfd0df8d96ee0963965135af2485cee6d5000