OpenDevICON (ODI) Continuing Development
Project Category
Development and Community activities ( meetups, education materials)
3 Months
Project Description
A continuation of work already completed. See OpenDevICON.io
The main mission of this project is to provide a resource and reference hub for ICON developers, to accelerate the training of ICON developers and reduce friction and time in development of ICON SCOREs, dApps and DAOs. The OpenDevICON project has been already initiated and we have contributed much in the development works. Following are the updates on the progress we have made so far for ODI during the previous delegations.
Accomplishments so far:
We published the SCORE practices using Jupyter Notebook in development and testing of SCOREs using Dice SCORE as a reference. This will save the extra time of developers for developing SCOREs and testing their interaction with the blockchain.
We have initiated a SCORE library. For now we have made a token library that will support the creation of IRC2 tokens providing them additional functionality than the IRC2 standard.
Mintable token
Burnable token
Capped token
Pausable token
Snapshot token
We created a Magic Bulb App that shows the use of magic link integration in ICON dApp. This app shows how passwordless authentication can be used while developing a dApp.
We created an IdolToken App for a demo of IRC3 standard token and performing some basic operations over it.
We have worked in the content of our OpenDevICON (ODI) website and updated the gitbook.
ODI website updates
- Best SCORE practice
- SCORE library
- Docs
- Vision
- Purpose
- Goals
ODI gitbook updates
SCORE library
- Explanation of various types of token contracts
- Method of generating your own token
Magic Bulb
- How the magic link integration works
- Steps for integrating magic link in your React dApp
- Magic Bulb Demo
- Explanation about IRC3 standard
- IdolToken App Demo
Work for inclusion in this grant application:
Jupyter Notebook : (60 hours)
- To make it easy for developers to call public functions on a SCORE from a jupyter notebook, provide a tool to read the contract ABI and automatically generate a library of functions that will be imported into the notebook.
- Specific application of notebook approach with SCORE libraries for IRC3 , IRC16
SCORE Library (50 hours)
- Collaborative work with other ICON developers to include their work by reference.
- IRC3
- IRC16
Video Tutorials (50 hours)
- Magic Link demo app tutorial (15)
- Bandprotocol Oracle Integration (20)
- Collaboration with other ICON tutorial authors. (tutorial from Justin for example) (15)
Demo dApps (30 hours)
- Bandprotocol Oracle integration
Marketing / Promotions, Blog Posts (50 hours)
- Bandprotocol Oracle integration
- Distributions and integer math for zero dust.
- What is the snapshot token and how does the snapshotting of token balances at a specific point in time work?
- What is the best way to make use of the token SCOREs in the ODI library?
Project phases
Month 1:
- Jupyter Notebook - tool to read the contract ABI and automatically generate a library. (40 hours)
- SCORE libraries (40 hours)
Feedback and bugfixes
IRC3 libraries
IRC16 libraries
Month 2:
- Jupyter Notebook - SCORE libraries for IRC3, IRC16 (20 hours)
- SCORE libraries - cleanup, testing for IRC3, IRC16 (10 hours)
- Bandprotocol Oracle integration (30 hours)
- Video : Bandprotocol Oracle integration (20 hours
Month 3:
- Video : Magic Link demo app tutorial (15 hours)
- Collaboration with other ICON tutorial authors (15 hours)
- Marketing / Promotions Blog Posts (50 hours)
Project Duration
3 Months @ 80 hrs per month
Funding Amount Requested
Official Team Name
Team Contacts
Twitter: @iconosphereprep
Telegram: @ibriz_ICONOsphere