[Grant Application] Icon tipbot/telegram wallet dapp integration Proposal

Project Category
Development / Community
Project Description
Crypto communities are mostly active over telegram and tipbots incentives community activity over social platforms no matter which platform it is. We created a simple tip bot which we demonstrated here at the end of February. Since then we were working on the bot to create a flexible backend allow us anything might be needed In the future Right now bot have a lot of features and we plan to expand it over other platforms like twitter as well.

What will that bring to icon:
1)The dapp integration is not something done by anyone for a telegram bot interface as far as we know. We believe simple friendly interface will bring users to dapps since not all people use iconex over desktop.
2)We planned to integrate iconbet games iconswap dex and iconvote. Specially for icon vote simple interface over telegram will increase iconist participations with votes.
What we developed so far
We have a bot utilizes hylian price oracle for getting icx/usd price and use that value over every function.
We can add any icon token to our system.
We have airdrop function for create more interaction between users. Which can be open and adjustments which liked by iconist joined our testing. We will start new test phase to stress test our airdrop function to see it working properly under stress.
We can import export private keys and if user don’t want to share private key they can add their address as just receiving address.
We can tip with username, reply or directly send any transaction to any wallet address.
To see how it works on testnet anyone can join here Telegram: Contact @icxbottest or add the bot their channel and test the functions.
4. Project Duration
Average 2 weeks for a dapp considering 4-5 dapps to integrate 2 month We are not sure what we can integrate because of telegram chat interface we did a lot of research and all of them look possible but might not be user friendly enough as well. We will not try to force anything.
6. Funding Amount Requested
Total Project Cost: $3000 + server expanses and main bot development (from Piconbello)
Funding Requested: $3000

7. Project Milestones

Every dapp integration is another milestone for the project

Milestone 1: 14days
First dapp integration and backend development.
Creating user friendly interface for dapp on telegram

Milestone 2: 14days
Second dapp integration and backend development.
Creating user friendly interface for dapp on telegram

Milestone 3: 14days
Third dapp integration and backend development.
Creating user friendly interface for dapp on telegram

Milestone 4: 14days
Forth dapp integration and backend development.
Creating user friendly interface for dapp on telegram

8. Official Team Name:


9. Team Contact Information:

Piconbello (Telegram)
Piconbello (Twitter)

10. Public Address:


Since we couldn’t get any reply for our application, we decided to move on with our own funds, thus this grant application can be closed.

Initial Review Result Comments

Review Result


Review Comments

We spoke with Emre and Piconbello team and they decided to fund this project themselves.