[Grant application] Add ICON to Bitfortip |Offer ICX as an incentive


Add ICON to Bitfortip | A social reward network that can offer ICX as an incentive.

2.Project Category

Development of ICON usage and reach a far greater community

3.Project Description

Birfortip is making use of micropayments in a useful way that makes sense to the general public.

Use case examples below:

  • Upload a photo with your smartphone (i.e. a dress ) that you saw and liked on a magazine,website, Pinterest, Instagram or out in the streets and you don’t know where to buy it, connect it with a ICON reward of your choice and upload it to bitfortip so members can try and search it online for you in order for them to win the ICON reward.

Example image: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

  • *Find a better price for an item/service that you want. Offer a small ICON reward for members to search for you online. Example 5 ICON reward to find me this item/service for $80 instead of $100.

  • *Find a piece of information on the internet that you can’t find on your own. Post an inquiry along with an ICON reward for people to find you a certain link, image, e.t.c.

YouTube video showcasing the website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZKd2zhoE8E

YouTube video showcasing the smartphone app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62iDBVDlhIU

When a user registers he will get a personal ICON address where he can deposit funds in order to be able to post an inquiry with an ICON reward.

Bitfortip currently has 31.000 registered members and has been running for 5 years.

Each time a new ICON inquiry is generated it will be forwarded to all the members as well as shared on Twitter and Facebook.

i.e. User A offers 10 ICX (ICON) reward to find this pair of shoes at certain size and price.

Currently 250 people visit each day the website. Number is expected to more than triple in the next 2 months with new articles and videos coming soon from big websites such as Bitcoin.com and with the NANO community that got on board recently.

4.Project Duration

Two months.

5.Project Milestones
Fund request can be split in 2 parts.

A) Implement on website
B) Implement on Android and on Iphone

6.Funding Amount Requested

Open for proposals to add ICON on the platform.

7.Official Team Name


7.Team Contact Information (e.g. e-email, telegram id, social media)


8.Public Address (To receive the grant)


Review Result Comments

Review Result


Review Comments

This is a useful and good idea to experiment with crypto-economics. However, we would like to see more traction and development first because it’s hard to see if this actually works. This project seems to be too early. Please reapply when the platform is more mature or attach the result of proof of use case with more details.