Does ICON Admins give 2nd chance on people who are banned on the telegram channel?

I got banned for speaking the facts about how ICX transactions only come from ICONBet and not any of the ICONLOOP connections/enterprise use cases. This is something I find frustrating not to have any answers on and also about the status of ICON network. While we have tons of big news, we must also look to the reality of how much of that hype has materialised into real utility demand on the network.

And because I voice out such things frequently on the telegram channel, many look to it as FUD while it is just data-driven observations. I hold a bag of ICX tokens and I strongly believe in the future of ICON. All I want is just answers, assurance and updates on why Zeung, Broof, VisitMe contributed <1% of network demand. And I do very much love to interact and engage w the community about other issues on ICON as well.

All I am asking is for a 2nd chance to rejoin the telegram channel again. If everyone is sensitive to hard cold truths about ICON, I shall keep my mouth shut and never to voice such issues out again.

Can any admin from the ICON telegram channel unban me for this? Thanks!


I’ve shared it at the Telegram and I do believe that someone will address the issue here or directly to you.

Hey Tyler, I’ll respond to your DM on telegram this week.

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The same is happening in Korean kakaotalk channel also. The admin bans ppl who speaks out the weak points of icon, which looks the admin or the icon foundation wants to control the ppl’s opinions in the channel. Icon foundation needs to acknowledge this and would be better to have some solution for the admin’s dictorship.

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