This is a simple overview. We will polish this up once we get some feedback. Thank for taking a look.
- Title: DNA Exchange
- Project Category
- Development
- Developer support and product ideas - wallets, block explorers, dapps, developer documentation, etc.
- Project Description
DNA data was once for the scientific elite. Today over 26 million people have taken a DNA test. DNA test kit companies hold the data from millions of consumers with the potential to deliver huge profits. Now DNA Exchange puts control of DNA data into the hands of ordinary consumers. DNA Exchange will anonymously host DNA data and compensate consumers upon usage of their DNA data.
Opportunity Overview
DNA testing companies are compiling large amounts of our data from millions of tests. Consumers are unaware that their data is more valuable to the companies than their test results. Companies that are collecting data are selling this data to major research labs and pharmaceutical companies for millions of dollars. We the consumer see no compensation when these deals are done. In reality, most consumers have no idea that these multi million dollar deals are happening. In 2020 23andMe sold the right to develop a drug based on users data.
There are many genetic testing companies that say we own our data but consumers are actually unaware of this. Everyone that does a direct to consumer test, such as 23andMe or any other genetic test, has access to their data and can do what they want with it. However, consumers have no idea what they can do with their data or how valuable it actually is. This is where the DNA Exchange can help consumers monetize their data.
We would like to add a Defi and NFT component to this project making your DNA data even more valuable. Mints a native and NFT based on your DNA profile will increase rewards and transaction fees.
Project Duration would be more than 6 months as there is quite a bit of development.
Project Milestones
- Stage 1- Start building front end website
- Stage 2- DNA Blockchain wallet - KYC for yourself - interface (ICE blockchain)
- Stage 3- Direct to consumer DNA pool - Data / Mining native token
- Stage 4- Defi LP for mining native token
- Stage 5- Design NFTs for farming boost
- Stage 6- Data set access - monetization works (staking)
- Stage 7- Data set access - monetization works
- Stage 8- Other sequence data pools
- Funding Amount Requested would be around 60K ICX
Technology/roadmap addendum/appendix:
How to verify on and off/chain data? We preserve privacy by only storing the Schnorr signature and searchable metadata e.g. age, type of DNA included, etc. on-chain. The actual personal information is stored off-chain on user devices. When an agreement to purchase the data access is made, the smart contract providing access to the data is made, and users can choose whether they would like to have distributed data availability when they upload (likely more and easier transactions) or whether to only keep their data on their own device (requires device to be online and connected to provide data), or whether to entrust their data to an escrow provider.
How to do searching? The data, and thus the network is valuable when people who want DNA info, can search for the datasets they need. A typical flow may look as follows: Scientist at HealthyLife Pharma LLC wants to initiate a GWAS study on a particular SNP trait, and also wants to collect data on heart conditions. Scientist logs onto Ploidy DNA exchange and starts a query for the relevant heart condition code, and finds data sets and records associated with the disease they are studying. Scientists can then propose a price, and the record holders who have already set an Ask price that is below the Bid threshold will have the smart contract automatically executed to share their DNA data. For the blockchain, nodes will index the important parameters for easy search ability and nodes can provide decentralized RPC search service calls for a specified compute gas fee.
How to upload data, how to keep the data format consistent and usable? We plan to accept the most popular formats of DNA data both produced by commercial and academic labs e.g. from physician-ordered lab tests, and also from consumer DNA testing services e.g. 23AndMe, AncestryDNA. The data is most useful when also associated with health records and codes e.g. to have particular health conditions coded as well, so Ploidy DNA exchange will also handle the most common types of text metadata and electronic medical record systems.
How to validate data that users upload? We will use NLP and AI-powered validation techniques to prevent data spam and false data form being uploaded.
How to package data together in big data sets? Most large-scale consumers of data e.g. pharmaceutical companies want to run analysis on thousands or more of data points. Thus we will allow larger institutional data providers and labs to upload larger data sets to our system.
Usage as it relates to on-chain technology:
Users will upload their DNA data, and receive an initial reward, to help seed the network. We will partner as needed to get the larger initial seed datasets. We want these to be paired with health records. Additionally, we will also get the records from various genetic testing companies, and back-trace to connect these with actual people and their characteristics.
Nodes will run software that continues to create and maintain the blockchain, and also provide database search service.
We will offer a convenient web interface and APIs for both data providers and data users to upload and search the DNA records.