Hi, i’m looking to connect with a PRep to discuss putting together a grant proposal for a DeFi film financing platform.
I represent a slate of 13 films with budgets totaling around $100mUSD. Required raise to finance all films is 40% of the total required, around $40m USD.
We are about to go out for a traditional film financing raise, however it is notoriously difficult due to the illiquidity of traditional film investment, which leaves us to pitch to conservative investors whose risk profile does not align with the nature of film financing. We have recently been approached by 2 film financing coins who want to use our slate and the high value names in our team and strategic partners to bolster/ launch their token. There are however inherent flaws in their proposals and I recognize that what our slate and team brings is the core value proposition of these tokens, so it makes more sense to build a platform we control.
I’m wary of adding core team names here as I don’t want this to pop up on a google search of their names, but the team includes respected Hollywood producers and household names who have worked on recent films with box offices in excess of 100mUSD.
Strategic partners also can’t be posted publicly, but include a former CEO of a major international distribution company, a world class sales agent, and an industry leading international post-production house.
I can share our detailed information memorandum with any interested parties which includes the team names and track record and more details on the financing and the slate. Would love to delve into ideas around the platform and tokenomics.
We bring the value, help me build the platform on ICON!
Look forward to connecting.