CPS Proposal: IconFlow


  • Project Name: IconFlow

  • Brief Description: IconFlow provides a comprehensive platform that delivers various insights and metrics to track the activities and development of the Icon ecosystem and its associated open-source projects.

  • MVP Website: https://iconflow.netlify.app/

  • Project is Open-Source: Yes

Project Overview :page_facing_up:


As the Icon protocol ecosystem continues to grow, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to stay informed about the ecosystem’s status and trends, as well as the activities of the many open-source projects being built on or integrated with the protocol. With data scattered across various platforms through Github to Twitter, gaining a comprehensive view of the ecosystem can be a daunting task.

IconFlow offers a cutting-edge solution to this problem, providing a comprehensive platform that delivers various insights and metrics to track the activities and development of the Icon ecosystem. Through intuitive and interactive visualizations and charts, IconFlow empowers users to gain a clear understanding of code contributions, community engagements, trend data, and many other critical metrics related to the Icon ecosystem.

By tracking various off-chain sources, IconFlow is the go-to platform for gaining a comprehensive view of the Icon ecosystem and becomes uniqueness in the space.


Project Details


Dashboard Page Project List Page Project Detail Page
Screenshot IconFlow Screenshot Projects Screenshot Project Page

Technical Scheme

Ecosystem Fit

  • Comprehensive analytics platform: IconFlow provides a comprehensive platform that delivers various insights and metrics to track the activities and development of the Icon ecosystem and its associated open-source projects.

  • Consolidated data sources: By consolidating data sources and presenting key metrics and insights in an intuitive and interactive format, IconFlow addresses the challenge of scattered data sources, making it easier for users to understand the ecosystem’s status and trends.

  • Helping to make informed decisions: By providing valuable insights and metrics, IconFlow can help ecosystem users make more informed decisions about which projects to support and contribute to as well as identify promising projects and high-risk ones.

  • Gap in the market: IconFlow fills the gap in the market by being the only project that becomes go-to core off-chain analytics dashboard for the Icon ecosystem.

  • Discovering the evolution of the ecosystem: IconFlow provides historical data and visualizations of key metrics, enabling developers and ecosystem users to better understand the development trajectory of Icon protocol and its projects. This feature helps users identify areas where protocol gains trends and track the ecosystem’s progress over time.

  • Integration with approved grants and hackathons: IconFlow can be integrated with approved grants and hackathons to keep track of the activity and development of these projects within the Icon ecosystem. By tracking the progress and development of grant recipients and hackathon projects, IconFlow can provide valuable data and visualizations, which can be used to evaluate the success of these programs and their impact on the ecosystem.

  • Encourage Community Collaboration: IconFlow provides a centralized location for viewing project activity and contributions, encouraging community collaboration and engagement. By enabling users to easily identify areas where they can contribute to projects, thus empowers the community to work together towards a common goal, further strengthening the Icon ecosystem.

Target audience

The target audience for IconFlow includes developers, researchers, and enthusiasts who are interested in monitoring the development and activity of Icon network and its open-source projects. The platform’s analytical tools and visualizations can provide valuable insights into the performance of various projects, making it useful for those who want to gain a better understanding of the progress of the network and the direction it’s headed in.

Development Roadmap

Milestone Summary

  • Total Estimated Duration: 2.5 months

  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 1 FTE

  • Total Costs: 22,500 USD

Milestone 1 — Build

  • Estimated duration: 1 month

  • FTE: 1

  • Costs: 10,000 USD

ID Deliverable Specification
0. License MIT
1. Database Set up a Firebase project and Firestore database to store chart data and project metadata.
2. Backend To integrate Github Data to the IconFlow, develop a Python backend that uses both the Github Rest and GraphQL APIs to fetch latest data from the Github.
3. Frontend Build the Project Detail and Dashboard pages, including the following widget implementations: commit history, code frequency, top contributors, issue activity, issue count, star count, pull request activity, recent issues, recent commits, pull request activity, recent stargazing activity.
4. Frontend Develop a Project List page that lists all Icon ecosystem projects in order of their respective stargazing counts.
5. Integration Integrate Algolia to improve the search functionality of the platform.
6. Integration Integrate Typeform to allow ecosystem users to suggest new projects for the platform.
7. Integration Integrate Google Analytics to track user engagement and improve the platform accordingly.
8. Backend Set up a regular update schedule for the backend to keep the database up-to-date with the latest data.

Milestone 2 - Expand

  • Estimated Duration: 1.5 month

  • FTE: 1

  • Costs: 12,500 USD

ID Deliverable Specification
1. Feature Integrate Twitter data of Icon and its associated projects into the platform, including metrics such as the number of tweets posted per day or week, the number of likes, retweets, and replies received, and other relevant analytics.
2. Feature Develop categorization feature to classify projects based on various criteria within the IconFlow, such as DeFi, DEX. The feature will make it easier for users to find projects that are of interest to them.
3. Feature Develop project health score feature that evaluates multiple metrics to provide users with an overview of a project’s health. The score helps identify promising projects and high-risk ones. The resulting score, weighted by metric importance, will display on the project detail page.
4. Feature Develop an API for IconFlow that provides developers with access to IconFlow charts and metadata. The API will use RESTful architecture and documented using OpenAPI Specification. Using the API, developers can embed charts and data into their own applications.
5. Feature Integrate Discourse forum statistics (forum.icon.community) into IconFlow to analyze user engagement and community sentiment. Forum insights will provide how engaged the community is and which topics are generating the most discussion. Chart will be displayed showing the number of posts and comments made on the site daily or weekly, and identifying the most viewed and replied-to topics. This step requires the protocol to provide a Discourse API key.
6. Feature Up-to-date ecosystem project list on IconFlow will be customized based on the protocol’s preference. If the protocol wishes project list to be updated independently, a GitHub crawler will be implemented to automatically discover ecosystem projects and adds them to the IconFlow. Alternatively, if the protocol has a project list available on a platform such as Notion, we will use the platform’s respective API to access the list. In addition, if the protocol has a website that displays its ecosystem projects, such as an awesome list or other third-party application, we can parse the GitHub links and incorporate them into IconFlow. We will collaborate with the protocol to determine the most effective approach and ensure the project list is kept up-to-date and accurate.

Team :busts_in_silhouette:

  • Mert KöklĂĽ - Full Stack Development

As an experienced Web3 developer, I have become a grantee for Web3 Foundation, AAVE, Lens and Filecoin ecosystems by developing innovative projects. As a certified NVIDIA instructor, AAVE Turkey Community Co-Manager and ambassador for organizations such as Microsoft and The Graph protocol, I have become a trusted voice within the communities and gained a deep understanding of their needs and requirements.

Currently, I’m focused on developing open-source and user-friendly applications that bring value to the Icon protocol ecosystem.

Budget Allocation

The funds for IconFlow will be allocated towards maintaining and improving the platform in various ways. The majority of the budget will go towards the development, for maintaining and updating the platform. A significant portion of the budget will be allocated towards infrastructure costs, including server hosting, database management, and other necessary tools and services.

Future Plans

In the short term, we intend to use IconFlow to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for developers and ecosystem users to track and analyze projects in the Icon ecosystem. We will continuously enhance and update the platform to ensure that it is the go-to resource for up-to-date information on Icon projects.

In the long term, our team’s plan is to continue supporting and improving IconFlow to meet the evolving needs of the Icon community. This includes incorporating additional metrics and data sources to provide more detailed insights into projects. Besides, if the platform is well-received by the community, and gains traction, we are going to open a Twitter account for IconFlow to engage with the community and promote top open-source projects on the Icon ecosystem.
