We are really excited to announce iconpool dapp, an automated market maker and liquidity provider for all things ICX.
After seeing huge success and contribution of AMM’s like uniswap on Ethereum’s astronomical defi ecosystem growth, we understood the need and importance of good universal liquidity pools and hence started laying the foundation of iconpool.
Iconpool can be understood as a uniswap/ kyber equivalent defi protocol, hence it can play a driving role in the growth of defi on ICX by binding the ecosystem together and by becoming a foundational building block of ICX dapp ecosystem.
Iconpool is launched at iconpool.io
Join us at telegram Telegram: Contact @iconpool to know more
Brief details, roadmap and plans for iconpool - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W8Gbl7QcN1xApsIYYhKbo-DQbJwC5hoLwPEJQ9AXeXc/edit?usp=sharing
PS: Thanks PICONBELLO Team for their support to get us going on ICX development