Below is a summary of the P-Rep meeting on April 4, 2020.
- UBIK Capital
- ICONation
- POS Bakerz
- Everstake
- Interblock Tech
- Piconbello
- ICONbet Community P-Rep
- Chainode Tech
- ICON4Education
- DeBlock w/ Stayge Labs
- Espanicon
Topic 1: Interest in virtual Consensus
- Participate in virtual Consensus?
- Sponsorship?
Action Items: Upon further information from CoinDesk on this year’s virtual Consensus, create a concrete plan RE: sponsorship and participation. Incorporate more teams and take advantage of the event. Move forward accordingly.
Topic 2: IISS 3.0
- Several teams discussed what they would like to see changed and discussed within the next foundation meeting.
- Majority of teams agreed that it’s good for P-Reps to have “skin in the game” and contributing to the ICON network.
- Several teams were not in support of the current bond requirement figure and wished to see iteration.
- Several teams expressed that CPF rates may be too high and sub P-Reps should contribute.
- How the CPF could be too centralized with ICON and affiliates having enough votes to veto CPF requests.
- A few teams pointed out how exchanges could be incentivized to run several P-Rep nodes and just collect rewards.
Action Items: Present enhancements/suggestions to ICON Foundation in next foundation meeting. Move forward accordingly.