[Grant application] PARROT9: Bridge and ICON documentation

Bridge and ICON documentation

Project category: Development

Project duration: 6 months

Project description


A few months ago we began working on the design for Bridge, a project that will help general users interact with blockchain applications. We offered our services free of charge because we didn’t want to paywall design, and our P-Rep rewards were enough to cover our costs. That’s no longer the case, and as resources are limited, we haven’t been able to put as much time into Bridge as we’d hoped. With a grant, we can make meaningful adjustments to our existing workload so we can commit more time to it.

ICON documentation

A large amount of the documentation for ICON is out of date or incomplete, particularly the documentation for P-Reps found on icon.community, and for developers through icondev.io. It’s crucial to keep ICON content up to date and easy to digest so we can provide the best onboarding experience for P-Reps and developers – especially if we want newcomers to take the project seriously.

It’s not enough to simply create content: we also need to do a good job at maintaining it. After we finish our work on Bridge, we’d like to dedicate some of our time every week to make it better. This will mostly be done by Lisa, who’s spent more than 3 years writing and editing documentation, in-app wording, and marketing content for 1Password.

If given a grant for these projects, it will also free up more of our time to give Balanced the attention it deserves, and begin projects aimed at the average user, like TwentyFour.

Project milestones


  • Branding
  • UI/UX design
  • Front-end markup
  • Website
  • Marketing and support materials

ICON documentation

icon.community website

  • Create a content style guide to keep terminology consistent across all communication channels
  • Update the P-Rep documentation
  • Improve the P-Rep Projects page
  • Reorganise the News page content
  • Optimise the UX with improvements for readability, navigation, and more

icondev.io website

After we finish Bridge and the icon.community updates, we’ll start on the ICON Dev Portal. Our initial steps will be to:

  • Audit the developer content from icondev.io and other community resources to get a complete picture of the existing content
  • Come up with a strategy to organise and improve the content so that it’s accessible to developers of all skill levels

Funding amount requested

$60,000, or $10,000/month for 6 months.

Bridge: $20,000

  • Branding: $5,000
  • Widget: $5,000
  • Website: $10,000

ICON documentation: $40,000

Official team name


Contact information

Email: hello@parrot9.com
Telegram: @lifeofkaizen
Twitter: @parrot9design

Public address


Initial Review Result Comments

Review Result


Review Comments

This is a great idea and we are excited for your work on Bridge and ICON Documentation. Your team has been valuable to making ICON applications more user friendly with a better UX and we look forward to the continued work you accomplish in our ecosystem

Next Procedure

ICON Foundation provided the Initial Review Result Comments on the proposal. Grants recipients will respond to the Foundation’s response. Depending on your comments, the foundation will provide the Final Review Result Comments.


Appreciate your support, thanks @ICON_ADMIN! :pray: We’re thrilled at the opportunity to spend more time working within the ICON ecosystem.

We’ve started making arrangements to free up our schedule, which will be finalised by the 21st of August.

Thank you!

Final Review Result Comments

Review Result


Reporting Period

Grant recipients should produce Periodic Reports in order to continue to receive grant funding. If the Periodic Report is showing that the initiative is not meeting expectations, the ICON Foundation has the option to halt continued funding. Please check the link (ICON Community Grant Program (“ICON CGP”)) and leave reports on this page (https://forum.icon.community/c/g/pr)

The team must submit the Periodic Report by the timeframes below (UTC):

  • 2020/09/12 02:00 AM (UTC)
  • 2020/10/12 02:00 AM (UTC)
  • 2020/11/12 02:00 AM (UTC)
  • 2020/12/12 02:00 AM (UTC)
  • 2020/01/10 02:00 AM (UTC)

Funding Amount

The ICON Foundation is going to give out $60,000 in 6 monthly installments based on the Periodic Report. The amount of ICX will be determined and paid according to the price at 02:00 AM (UTC) on the day of payment.

  • 2020/09/15 02:00 AM (UTC) - $10,000
  • 2020/10/15 02:00 AM (UTC) - $10,000
  • 2020/11/16 02:00 AM (UTC) - $10,000
  • 2020/12/16 02:00 AM (UTC) - $10,000
  • 2021/01/15 02:00 AM (UTC) - $10,000

Here’s our first report: Bridge and ICON documentation | Periodic reports.

Thank you for all the support you’ve provided us through this grant. With it, we’ve been able to get Bridge mostly complete, and dedicate a lot more time to other projects within the ecosystem. Now, although premature, the time has come to end it.

As mentioned in Bridge and ICON documentation | Periodic reports, we’re currently working on another project which has been given a higher priority than the ICON documentation and will be funded privately. Given the functionality planned for this and our other projects, it’s difficult to estimate how long they’ll take, so rather than put the grant on hold we’ll stop it here and reapply for the documentation when the time comes.

Thank you again!