About the Grants category

About Grants

The Grants category is meant to act as a centralized version of the Contribution Proposal System to bootstrap contribution and participation in network growth prior to the development of the decentralized system.

This is a place where P-Reps and ICONists can use their rewards to offer grants to any ICONist/P-Rep, with the hope and expectation that this grant will be used to stake/delegate. Through this off-chain system, we can collectively further decentralize the ICON Network while continuing to stay in line with the ethos of Delegated Proof of Contribution.


Anybody can submit a Contribution Proposal or an RFP (Request for Proposal) and anybody can choose to fund a Contribution Proposal or reply to an RFP. A Contribution Proposal would be a request for funding for a specific project (e.g. “I would like to build a DEX, is anybody interested in funding this?”), while an RFP is for a P-Rep/ICONist to offer funding for a specific project (e.g. “I would like somebody to build a DEX and I would like to fund it – anybody interested in building it?”). Here are some suggested guidelines for submissions:

Contribution Proposals:

  • Topic Title: “Contribution Proposal: Name of Project”
  • Name (team and/or individuals)
  • Project/Initiative Description
  • Key Performance Indicators (specific metrics to track in order to gauge if the initiative was successful)
  • Budget Request
  • Contact Info (so teams interested in funding can set up a meeting to discuss)


  • Topic Title: “Request for Proposal: Name of Project”
  • Name (team and/or individuals)
  • Detailed specifications for the project
  • Budget Estimation
  • Contact Info (so teams interested in funding can set up a meeting to discuss)

After a Contribution Proposal is completed, the hope and expectation is that the teams involved in executing the proposal will provide a follow up report detailing the outcome of the initiative.

One concern I have is that during bear markets and ICONists have lost financial assets, what incentive do they actually have to delegate their rewards to these initiatives? I assume it will be more natural for P-reps, but ICONists? Doesn’t seem very likely in my opinion.

Solution: Have 1% of the block rewards be delegated to ICONists under the P-reps’ watch and ensure the tokens are delegated to good projects with ICONists being given a voice.

Example: Alice got 200 ICX that she can delegate to a list of organization/initiatives that has been put up and verified by the P-reps.

Outcome: More smooth and frequent delegations to build #ICONProject as a whole.

Hey Aspected - I completely agree. My initial expectation of this is that higher ranked P-Reps will have the opportunity to offer grants to individual ICONists and/or other P-Reps.

Your solution (funding with a portion of block rewards) is essentially what the decentralized Contribution Proposal System will be. The funding for EEPs/DBP will come directly from block rewards without an intermediary. When this system is live, any ICONist will be able to apply for a grant and be approved in a decentralized way.


We just published the first contribution proposal check it out if you are interested. Community focused 0 trading fee dex

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Same expectations here. A chance to (partially) redistribute rewards from those who have abundance of them to those who don’t and can provide value.

This is a great initiative. The ICONation team is excited to review proposals and provide grants to projects that have been vetted and are supported by the ICON community.

UBIK Capital is looking forward to seeing proposals and innovation that can be funded with ICX to grow ICON!